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Ontario Car Insurance Companies

Updated: Oct 25, 2020

Looking for Auto Insurance in Ontario? Here's a Couple pointers to save a lot of time and money.

There are about 30 or so Insurance companies that will insure a private automobile in Ontario. Most of these companies require you use a qualified Insurance broker to submit your application, the others require you speak to one of their direct writers who can only write insurance policies for that one company.

Although speaking to a direct writer can sometimes be rewarding as to some of the deals they can offer you, it can also be very time consuming to call each company one by one as well as having to follow up every year when the deals they've offer expire. Most of these companies that use direct writers also have parent companies that will offer the same deal through there brokers

So how do you find the right broker you may ask. For starters, finding a broker that has good relationships with many different insurance companies is a a good start. Many brokerages will only deal with as little as 5 major companies. If you don't fit into their agenda you may find your-self paying way more then you should.

The right broker should be working for you, and should have access to a majority of insurance companies to not only save you money, but to also save you time, by not have to call several brokers.

Here is a List of Auto Insurance Companies I have access too:

Aviva Insurance


Coachman Insurance

Dominion of Canada

Echelon General

Economical Mutual

Gore Mutual Insurance Company

The Guarantee Company of North America

Intact Insurance Company

Jevco Insurance Company

Lombard Insurance Company

Pafco Insurance Company

Pembridge Insurance Company

Perth Insurance Company

Royal & Sun Alliance

Scottish & York Insurance Co Limited

Traders General

Wawanesa Mutual Insurance

Unica Insurance

Insurance Companies requiring Direct Writers.

Allstate: 1-800-255-7828

Belair Direct: 1-888-544-9929

Cooperators: 1-800-265-2662

Meloche Monnex: 1-877-536-7755

RBC Insurance: 1-877-749-7224

TD Insurance: 1-855-892-0407

Did I forget a company? Contact us

Need a Broker you can Trust? Call:

Tom Putman


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